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The Nat Blog

For homeowners, being fire safe usually means pruning trees and bushes around dwellings. But this brings with it the potential to disturb bird nests during the height of breeding season. Learn how to remain fire safe while minimizing the impact on our feathered friends.   Read more.

Binoculars bring wildlife close to you. And on these three trails, you’re going to need those field glasses to take it all in! Perfect for experienced birders or a nature enthusiast bringing along binoculars for the first time, our Canyoneers recommend some of their favorite trails for this wildlife-watching season.  Read more.

Nature's Office Politics

Posted: August 4, 2021

Forget the water cooler—all the action happens at the oriole feeder. In this blog, President and CEO Judy Gradwohl describes Buster, her new office mate, and the drama that has been unfolding outside her home office during the pandemic.   Read more.

We all talk to ourselves occasionally, and President and CEO Judy Gradwohl became adept at it during the pandemic lockdown. On the occasion of her 5-year work anniversary, Judy reflects on what she experienced, learned, rejoiced, and lamented at the helm of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Read more.

Ten Great Hikes for Summer

Posted: June 8, 2021

Summer sun can be lovely, but it’s sometimes a scorcher across San Diego County. Our Canyoneers recommend their coolest, and coolest, trails for this sunny season. Read more.

Just how do you find out how many of these dinosaurs lived on our planet? Scientists used the fossil record of T. rex and the principles of population ecology to estimate dinosaur demographics and the chances of finding an extinct animal in the fossil record. Read more.

Our collections registrar and entomology collections manager recently returned to The Nat after a nine-year hiatus and spent time exploring our extensive collection of marine invertebrates. Learn about what she discovered—or rediscovered—and how we are working to make the collection more accessible to other scientists and the public.   Read more.

La construcción del muro fronterizo ha afectado las especies de la región, pero ¿qué tipo de impacto? Necesitamos tiempo y datos para comprenderlo. Ahí es donde entran en juego el BioBlitz de la frontera e investigadores como la Dra. Sula Vanderplank.  Read more.

Construction of the border wall has impacted species in the region—but what kind of impact? We need time and data to figure it out. That’s where the Border BioBlitz and researchers like Dr. Sula Vanderplank come in. Read more.

Ten Great Hikes for Spring

Posted: March 14, 2021

Colors bloom and wildlife sings for spring across San Diego County. Our Canyoneers recommend their favorite trails for this warming season, when there are plenty of opportunities to stop and smell the wildflowers. Read more.