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Great Blue Heron Egg

(Ardea herodias)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0266

Spotted Sandpiper Eggs

(Actitis macularia)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0271

Burrowing Owl Egg

(Athene cunicularia)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0272

Barn Owl Egg

(Tyto alba)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0276

Common Turkey Egg

(Meleagris gallopavo)
Dimensions (in): 4 x 3 x 2
ID: ED-100-0280

Double-crested Cormorant Eggs (DDT Impacts)

(Phalacrocorax auritus)

ID: ED-100-0282

Black-Headed Grosbeak Eggs

(Pheucticus melanocephalus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0285

Northern Bobwhite Eggs

(Colinus virginianus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0286

House Sparrow Eggs

(Passer domesticus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0287

Baltimore Oriole Egg

(Icterus bullockii)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0289

Costa's Hummingbird Egg and Nest

(Calypte costae)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0290

Domestic Pigeon Egg

(Columba livia)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0291

Indigo Bunting Eggs

(Passerina cyanea)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0292

Bullock's Oriole Eggs

(Icterus bullockii)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0293

Wrentit Egg

(Chamaea fasciata)
Dimensions (in): 3x1x1
ID: ED-100-0294

Yellow Warbler Eggs

(Dendroica petechia)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x2
ID: ED-100-0296

Greater Roadrunner Egg

(Geococcyx californianus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0297

Brown Thrasher Eggs

(Toxostoma rufum)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0298

Canyon Towhee Eggs

(Melozone fusca)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0299

Swainson's Thrush Eggs

(Catharus ustulatus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0300

Yellow-billed Magpie Eggs

(Pica nuttalli)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x2
ID: ED-100-0301

Barn Swallow Eggs

(Hirundo rustica)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0302

Eastern Wood Pewee Eggs

(Contopus virens)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0303

Cliff Swallow Eggs

(Hirundo pyrrhonota)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0304

Northern Flicker Eggs

(Colaptes auratus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0305

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Egg

(Polioptila caerulea)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0306

Red-Headed Woodpecker Egg

(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x2
ID: ED-100-0307

Wood Thrush Eggs

(Hylocichla mustelina)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x2
ID: ED-100-0308

Cactus Wren Eggs

(Campylorhyrnchus brunneicapillus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x2
ID: ED-100-0311

Western Kingbird Eggs

(Tyrannus verticalis)
Dimensions (in): 3x1x1
ID: ED-100-0312

Scarlet Tanager Egg

(Piranga olivacea)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0313

Nuttall's Woodpecker Eggs

(Picoides nuttallii)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0317

Lesser Goldfinch Nest & Eggs

(Carduelis psaltria)

ID: ED-100-0318

Cliff Swallow Eggs

(Hirundo pyrrhonota)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0374

Red-winged Blackbird Eggs

(Agelaius phoeniceus)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0375

Canyon Towhee Eggs

(Melozone fusca)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0376

Loggerhead Shrike Eggs

(Lanius ludovicianus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0377

European Starling Eggs

(Sturnus vulgaris)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0378

Cassin's Kingbird Eggs

(Tyrannus vociferans)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0380

Least Tern Eggs

(Sterna antillarum)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0381

California Thrasher Eggs

(Toxostoma redivivum)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0382

Northern Mockingbird Eggs

(Mimus polyglottos)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0383

Brewer's Blackbird Eggs

(Euphagus cyanocephalus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0384

King Snake Egg

(Lampropeltis sp.)

ID: ED-100-0405

King Snake Egg

(Lampropeltis sp.)

ID: ED-100-0406

Ridgway's Rail Egg

(Rallus obsoletus)
Dimensions (in): 3x2x1
ID: ED-100-0530

Eastern Indigo Snake Eggs

(Drymarchon corais couperi)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0785

Tricolored Blackbird Eggs

(Agelaius tricolor)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0923

Field Sparrow Eggs

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0924

Red-cockaded Woodpecker eggs

(Picoides borealis)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0925

Song Sparrow Eggs

(Melospiza melodia)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0926

English Sparrow Egg

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0928

Thurber's Dark-eyed Junco Egg

(Junco hyemalis thurberi)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0932

Rufous-crowned Sparrow Egg

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0933

Rock Wren Eggs

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0935

California Horned Lark Egg

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0936

Cedar Waxwing Egg

(Bombycilla cedrorum)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0938

Lark Sparrow Eggs

(Chondestes grammacus)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0939

Phainopepla Eggs

(Phainopepla nitens)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0941

Yellow-breasted Chat Eggs

(Icteria virens)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0942

American Goldfinch Eggs

(Spinus tristis)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0943

Parroquet Eggs

Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-100-0944

Ostrich Egg

(Struthio camelus)

ID: ED-100-1977

Songbird Eggs Set

(Mixed species)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-600-0059

Marine Animals Egg Case Set

(Mixed Species)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-600-0060

Birds of Prey Eggs Set

(Mixed Species)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-600-0061

Waterbird Eggs Set

(Mixed Species)
Dimensions (in): \N
ID: ED-600-0062