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  • Living Lab
    Creepy. Crawly. Cool.
  • Living Lab
    Now open
  • Living Lab
    Now open

Are you a fan of the slimy and slithery?
Creepy and crawly?
Or just curious to meet some of your animal neighbors?

Visit The Nat to meet our region’s not-so-cuddly residents in Living Lab.

The Nat has a Vivarium—a facility in which we care for our live animals—in the basement of the Museum. We’ve brought these animals out and into the public gallery as part of an exhibition located on Level 1 just off the Atrium. Living Lab showcases everything from the stinging and scaly to the fuzzy and flesh-eating, including rattlesnakes, an observation bee hive, a Gila monster, several centipedes, arachnids, and frogs.

Living Lab brings you eye to eye with animals that are common to our region, but sometimes rarely seen because of their seasonality, reclusive nature, or nocturnal lifestyle habits. Visitors will learn about unique adaptations that help animals survive. Everything from their body form to their behavior helps them evade predators, survive environmental extremes, and acquire food.

The exhibition’s unique blend of science, storytelling, and live animals gives visitors the opportunity to discover more about the world around us (check out some exhibition highlights). Close encounters with charismatic live animals will create a lasting impression on visitors of all ages about regional species richness and the threats to biodiversity. Whether they fly, crawl, or climb, all animals are an important part of our region’s ecosystems. Come get a closer look in the Living Lab.

This exhibition is free for members and included with general admission.

Please note that Living Lab may be closed for Resident Free Tuesdays and December Nights.

This exhibition features live animals. Did you know the Museum has a team of professional animal care specialists on site all year? They take care of all animals on exhibit and in our Vivarium, many of which are used for educational outreach. Members of the team utilize the natural history expertise of our scientists to ensure our animals are well cared for and in environments that closely resemble their natural habitats.

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