[Ocean Oasis - Teacher's Guide]  Imágen Satelital de la Península de Baja California y el golfo de California See Spanish version


Ocean Oasis Teacher's Guide
was produced by the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM)
with generous funding from the
Walton Family Foundation

Author: Carol Radford, Education Department, SDNHM
Designer: Erik Bolton, Graphics Department, SDNHM
Website designer: Dale Clark, Website Department, SDNHM
Illustrator: Chris Jouan
Reviewers: Laura L. McKie
Assistant Director for Education
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

David L. Pawson, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

Ruth G. Shelly
Deputy Director of Public Programs
San Diego Natural History Museum

Ocean Oasis is produced by Summerhays Films, Inc.,
in association with the San Diego Natural History Museum and
PRONATURA A.C., Mexico's oldest and largest conservation organization.

Proceeds from Ocean Oasis
will support conservation, education, and research
in the Baja California peninsula and the Sea of Cortés.

Both the printed and website versions of the Ocean Oasis Teacher's Guide are under the copyright of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Individuals and nonprofit educational institutions may use information from these pages if credit is given to the San Diego Natural History Museum. If for a website, we request that you notify us at copyright@oceanoasis.org and provide a link to our website where appropriate.

Printed copies are available from the Education Department, San Diego Natural History Museum, P O Box 121390, San Diego, CA 92112-1390 USA, telephone: (619) 232-3821, ext. 202, email: cradford@sdnhm.org

Please send any questions about the Teacher's Guide to Carol Radford, SDNHM Education Department cradford@sdnhm.org. Send comments concerning the website to: webteam@sdnhm.org

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