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We will compare the distribution and abundance of each species as we observe it in 2008–2010 with the distribution and abundance recorded by Grinnell and Swarth in 1908. We will identify the pattern of change for each species and evaluate the magnitude of that change. We will categorize species by type of change and look for aspects of their biology that are shared and may help explain the basis for the change. Examples of possible categories include spread to higher elevations, retreat from lower elevations, spread to lower elevations, retreat from higher elevations, attraction to urban development, and retreat from urban development.

We plan to publish our results in a scientific periodical, much as Grinnell and Swarth published their results in the University of California Publications in Zoology. We also plan to make the results available through the websites of the San Diego Natural History Museum and the University of California, Berkeley. We plan to speak about the results at both scientific conferences and events for the general public, such as lectures and classes offered by the San Diego Natural History Museum. The study may lead to field trips where we bring people interested in nature to the San Jacinto region to familiarize them with our work first-hand; the San Diego Natural History Museum offers an extensive program of such field trips. We anticipate considerable interest in the study from the news media, as MVZ has received from its parallel study of the Yosemite region. Thus newspaper articles, radio interviews, and television programs are likely to emerge from the study to familiarize the public about the San Jacinto region’s diverse biology and the unique opportunity the 1908 expedition made possible.

View north from Cabazon camp site of 1908. Morongo Casino and San Gorgonio Peak in background. Lori Hargrove