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PaleoServices Staff

Department of Paleontology and PaleoServices staff members have diverse backgrounds and skill sets that come together to form an expert team that consistently provides the highest level of service, and is committed to the preservation of southern California’s important paleontological history. Contact Us.

Curator of Paleontology/Director of PaleoServices:
Thomas Deméré, Ph.D.

Dr. Tom Deméré studies the origin and evolution of marine mammals and heads up the Museum’s paleontological mitigation services program.

He has worked as a professional paleontologist since 1974 and has been with the San Diego Natural History Museum since 1979. Since 1994, Tom has served as Curator of Paleontology and Director of PaleoServices. He is the author of numerous scientific and popular articles about the paleontological history of southern California and the evolution of marine mammals.

As Director of PaleoServices, Tom has conducted and overseen numerous paleontological resource projects ranging from initial resource assessments, through impact evaluation, to actual impact mitigation. Although the majority of this work has been with residential and commercial developments within San Diego County, it has also involved a number of water, sewer, natural gas pipeline, utility transmission line, and electrical generation projects in southern and central California. Contact: 619-255-0232

Kesler Randall, M.S.

Collections Manager, Fossil Vertebrates
Professional Start Date: 1994
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 1998
Contact: 619-255-0310

Kirsten Mueller

Assistant Report Writer
Professional Start Date: 2022
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2022
Contact: 619-255-0346

Christopher Plouffe

Lead Fossil Preparator / Paleontological Monitor
Professional Start Date: 2002
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2004
Contact: 619-255-0320

Eric Ekdale, Ph.D.

Curatorial Assistant / Research Scientist
Professional Start Date: 1999
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2010
Contact: 619-255-0231

Katie McComas, M.S.

Report Writer / GIS Technician

Professional Start Date: 2012
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2016
Contact: 619-255-0321

Amanda Linn

Curatorial Assistant
Professional Start Date: 2016
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2018
Contact: 619-255-0320

Field Paleontologists

Gino Calvano, M.S

Professional Start Date: 1992
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2008

Evan Martin

Professional Start Date: 2013
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2013

Patrick Sena

Professional Start Date: 1994
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 1998

John Pfanner

Professional Start Date: 1996
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 1996

Bradford Riney

Professional Start Date: 1982
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 1991

Ross Grundler

Professional Start Date: 2019
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2019

Todd Ryan

Professional Start Date: 1998
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2017

Jesse Shelmire

Professional Start Date: 2007
San Diego Natural History Museum Start Date: 2018

Research Associates

Dr. Annalisa Berta
San Diego State University

Dr. Michelangelo Bisconti
Livorno, Italy

Dr. Ian Browne
Oklahoma State University

Dr. Eric Ekdale
San Diego State University

Kathleen Holen
Center for American Paleolithic Research

Dr. Steven Holen
Center for American Paleolithic Research

Dr. Hugh Wagner
PaleoResource Consultants

Charles Powell
(US Geological Survey (retired))

Departmental Associates

Patricia Don Vito
San Diego, CA

Carol Stadum
Carlsbad, CA


Volunteers in the Paleontology Department assist with many tasks associated with maintaining the extensive collection. This includes fossil preparation, numbering fossil specimens, micropicking for hidden treasures, organizing the collection, entering database records, and more. If you are interested in this or other volunteer opportunities, view our current needs and apply. More.